The best way to answer this is to experience it for yourself but let us take a moment to answer some common questions.
We are a Bible believing church, affiliated with the Associated Gospel Churches of Canada (AGC) and our desire to live our lives is based on the teachings of the Bible, in relationship with God, through faith in Jesus Christ. For details about what we believe, you can refer to our Statement of Faith.
Connect Community Church gathers together every Sunday at 10 am. We are conveniently located on the Central Mountain at 668 Upper Wentworth St.. There is parking behind the church and street parking is allowed on Sundays.
Nursery Care – Is available for children at the start of the service.
Children’s Church – Children will be dismissed during the service.
We continue to seek new ways to provide a safe, secure and loving atmosphere where your children can explore the love that Christ has for them in genuine ways.
Please contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator Rhonda Stinson at 905-383-0685 or at - attn: Rhonda for more information.
Nope. Our desire is for people to feel comfortable, to "come as they are", when they come to worship. We have people who attend in every style of clothing, from more formal attire to completely casual.
We have rotating worship leaders who lead us through God-centered, band led, modern worship music. This is usually a blended combination of contemporary songs and traditional hymns.The congregation follows projected lyrics. We are always seeking to improve our musicianship and to seek those interested and competent to play or sing.
Pastor Dan is deeply committed to presenting Bible teaching with relevant applications. Much prayer and thought goes into how we can address the diverse audience of seekers, skeptics and believers that come through our doors.
Not at all! We often have visitors who join our worship services, so you won't be alone. You won't be asked to identify yourself but we do offer information for those who would like to know more about who we are and the ministries we offer. You can request information from the church, or get involved in our programs. Go to our welcome table after service and receive a free gift!
We believe that the Bible is God speaking in man’s language, and
in the original writings is exactly as He gave it, word for word without any error whatsoever. It has been preserved
by God to be the authoritative standard for every age and every life.
We believe that God exists in three persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, that these three are eternal and are one.
We also believe that God is the sole Creator of the universe.
We believe that Jesus Christ in the flesh was both God and man, that he was born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life,
in which He taught and did mighty works and signs exactly as revealed in the four gospels. We believe that He was crucified,
dying as a penalty for our sins and was bodily raised from the dead on the third day as the Scriptures declare. Later, He
ascended to heaven where He is Head of the Church and interceded for believers. From there He will come again personally and
bodily and visibly to this earth to set up an earthly kingdom, afterward to reign forever as King in His universe.
We believe that all are sinners and are guilty before God, and as such are worthy of both physical and spiritual death.
We believe that since in His death the Lord Jesus Christ satisfied all the demands of God’s law, redeeming mankind by shedding
His blood and assuming our curse, men and women can have a just standing before God. That is, they can become true Christians.
The single basis for this standing is the death of Jesus Christ and an individual’s personal faith in Him.
We believe that salvation with its forgiveness of sins, includes the receiving of a new nature and the assurance of eternal life.
It is entirely apart from good works such as baptism or church membership, but is purely by God’s grace.
We believe that a true believer cannot ever forfeit his standing with God. However, sin may interrupt the joy of his fellowship
with God and bring the discipline of a loving Heavenly Father.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is a person, that He is God and has all the attributes of God. We also believe that He lives in
all believers and that by His ministry every Christian is made to be part of God’s eternal family, is marked off as truly God’s
possession, and is specifically and uniquely gifted for Christian service. The Holy Spirit also fills or empowers the believer,
in response to confession of sin and yieldedness, then He teaches and guides the believer for effective Christian service.
We believe that all genuine believers are part of the true Church, which in Scripture is referred to as the body of Christ, and
that a local church is intended to be a visible expression of this body.
We believe that Christians who die, depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness. Someday Jesus will come again to take away
His living people from the earth. Then, all Christians will have glorified bodies similar to His resurrected body and share in
His glory. They will reign with Him forever.
We believe that Satan is a personality, the arch enemy of God and our defeated foe.
We believe that those who refuse the offer of God’s gracious gift of salvation are doomed to suffer eternal conscious separation
from Him.
*This is for popular circulation only and is intended to be interpreted in light of the official Statement of Faith and Doctrine
of the AGC.
For the full AGC Statement of Faith with Bible references, please visit: and look under Our Beliefs - Statement of Faith